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FluVacs here for 2018

April 21, 2018 at 6:31 PM

Thank you for your patience in waiting for the Flu vaccine this year. You might have noticed that the vaccine has arrived a little later than we normally expect. This is because the vaccine was being tweaked to cover the most likely strains to hit NZ this year. This year the vaccine is covering four strains of influenza virus.

The flu vaccine is free and funded for all over 65year olds and also many people who live with chronic conditions such as heart and lung diseases, diabetes, problems with immunity and cancer. Pregnant women are also encouraged to take up this free vaccination.

For a full list of covered conditions please see

You are welcome to be vaccinated against flu even if you do not fit these criteria but there is a charge of $28.00.

Children under the age of 36months have a different vaccine and this is yet to arrive. We expect this vaccine to be with us at the end of April 2018.


714 Swanson Rd, Swanson, Auckland 0612

09 833 9433

09 832 1206